I finished a draft of my story about my electric car, Ruby (yep, she's a real car). It's called, "EV Ruby, Reporting For Duty." In it, Ruby struggles to conserve her battery long enough to get safely back home, while making emergency deliveries during the coronavirus pandemic.
So, how do I find a reputable editor?
I have a couple character design pictures. Typing paper and pencils are my only art supplies at the moment. We'll be under stay at home orders for another few weeks. My plan is to make line drawings and email them, for free, to anyone who has children during this scary time. They can color the drawings in themselves.
I think the story is pretty good and I'd like to complete the illustrations when my skills and my art supplies catch up. Then I'll need to have it edited and start the process of tossing my hook into the publishing pond and see if I catch anything.