Simple composition changes for a much improved sketch
@j-sienkowski LOLLL no no, I'll definitely give this serious thought haha! It's a very interesting suggestion and you make very good points. My instinct is always to try and emphasized the important elements so it definitely feels against the grain to me to try hide a character on purpose haha.. However it makes sense in the context of this particular story. @Jeremy-Ross also mentions the wolf should be a bit more hidden so that Red can't easily spot him. I wonder if I should put him behind the tree he's currently in front of. Do you think that might be hidden enough, yet obvious enough?
@baileymvidler Thanks Bailey, the advice I received from my agent was really spot on and made a big difference!
@Kevin-Longueil That's an interesting idea! Whereas the others suggested I hide the wolf more, you suggested the opposite: put all the emphasis on the wolf instead. This is an original solution and I think works just as well! However I think I do personally want the focus to be on Red as the main character, and the wolf be a still hidden looming threat, not quite yet entering the story. Thanks for your suggestion, you've given me lots to think about! It really goes to show how there are so many possible solution to each illustration we make.
Wow, what a difference! And such a great image! My only two cents is that the bird looks very big. It looks like the size of a large bird of prey instead of a tiny bird that might rest on her finger. Love your character designs, though! Your shapes really convey the right emotions!
@NessIllustration this is maybe due to inexperience on my part but I think it's pretty much fine just the way it is. I like the fact that we can see the wolf in that sinister pose, maybe he could be just a tad further back but nothing much and I also agree that maybe the bird is a little large and the dress-hem comment but I really like the composition a lot, it's got a lovely flow to it.
@NessIllustration another composition that remind me yours and you may find interesting : the cover of the mitaines gang by a French illustrator -
@aprilshin Thank you for your insight! You are quite right about the bird, I think I will revise it.
@Rachel-Horne Thank you for giving me your thoughts on it, dear!
@Julia Wow quelle jolie couverture! J'aime beaucoup l'ombre du sapin qui se transforme en loup, comme c'est original!
Pheeew it took me a while to find this post again haha! I finally finished this piece and wanted to show you how it turned out
Thank you so so much everyone for your help!
@NessIllustration Really nice!!
@NessIllustration So good!
Thanks guys!
@NessIllustration lovely!
Wow @NessIllustration! Came out amazing! Let us know what your agent thinks.
@NessIllustration Lovely!
@Jeremy-Ross She gave it the okay! ...after asking a couple more little tweaks haha
This version you see if after she already had her stab at it
Not sure how I missed this whole thread but I love love LOVE your piece! Stunning!
@Coley How that's normal the thread is from forever ago! I almost wasn't able to dig it up myself haha
Thanks so much for the kind words!
@NessIllustration This turned out beautiful! I love the pops of red!
Love love love~! Thanks for sharing with us, Vanessa!
This turned out quite lovely!!! Congrats!
@Coreyartus Thanks guys! I'm quite happy with it myself, I think it adds some variety to my portfolio since I didn't have winter scenes in it before!
@NessIllustration Gorgeous piece! Love the atmosphere.