Simple composition changes for a much improved sketch
@NessIllustration this is maybe due to inexperience on my part but I think it's pretty much fine just the way it is. I like the fact that we can see the wolf in that sinister pose, maybe he could be just a tad further back but nothing much and I also agree that maybe the bird is a little large and the dress-hem comment but I really like the composition a lot, it's got a lovely flow to it.
@NessIllustration another composition that remind me yours and you may find interesting : the cover of the mitaines gang by a French illustrator -
@aprilshin Thank you for your insight! You are quite right about the bird, I think I will revise it.
@Rachel-Horne Thank you for giving me your thoughts on it, dear!
@Julia Wow quelle jolie couverture! J'aime beaucoup l'ombre du sapin qui se transforme en loup, comme c'est original!
Pheeew it took me a while to find this post again haha! I finally finished this piece and wanted to show you how it turned out
Thank you so so much everyone for your help!
@NessIllustration Really nice!!
@NessIllustration So good!
Thanks guys!
@NessIllustration lovely!
Wow @NessIllustration! Came out amazing! Let us know what your agent thinks.
@NessIllustration Lovely!
@Jeremy-Ross She gave it the okay! ...after asking a couple more little tweaks haha
This version you see if after she already had her stab at it
Not sure how I missed this whole thread but I love love LOVE your piece! Stunning!
@Coley How that's normal the thread is from forever ago! I almost wasn't able to dig it up myself haha
Thanks so much for the kind words!
@NessIllustration This turned out beautiful! I love the pops of red!
Love love love~! Thanks for sharing with us, Vanessa!
This turned out quite lovely!!! Congrats!
@Coreyartus Thanks guys! I'm quite happy with it myself, I think it adds some variety to my portfolio since I didn't have winter scenes in it before!
@NessIllustration Gorgeous piece! Love the atmosphere.
@carriecopadraws Thank you dear!