@hannahmccaffery Thank you for the feedback Hannah. I agree with a lot of the points you made. My style has progressed over the years a lot but when speaking to my non arty friends and family some of have said not to just dump the last ten years of work as it's a massive journey and my Instagram shows my artistic journey. While over friends have said a clean slate would be one of the best things I could ever do.
I'm looking to get into comics and make my own comics. I'm learning a lot about visual storytelling and learning how to piece together a comic. I'm not so much concerned about style but more interested in mastering storytelling.
I plan to start making new pieces and then start to share them online. It will probably take a few months to complete. I totally agree with the mix of styles - that's something I've touched on social media this week. Definitely agree a selection of styles - not loads however! Going to narrow down the ones I love working in. Thank you and you too!!!!