May stormN wip(s)
@Asyas_illos I think the hot air balloon concept is a winner, Asya! You could have fun experimenting with lots of different compositions and perspectives with this. I'd definitely play around with a composition that brings the hot air balloon forward so we can see the expression on their faces and the gestures better. Maybe there's some action going on in the basket that tells a bit of a story?
@Katherine thank you for the suggestions! I’ll definitely be playing around to see how I can deliver the best story and composition.
I added a couple more balloons, what do you guys think? Does the composition still work? I still want the green balloon to be the main focal point. Also I keep going back and forth if I want the lighting or not. I’m thinking not, I don’t want people to think anyone is in danger then again it might lend a hand in the story? I don’t know…
I also started another one…
@Asyas_illos I love the green against the background, and the pattern on it is really great!. There is a tangent with the cloud and the yellow balloon, and the color red is pulling may eye toward the one in the bottom left even though it is not a bright red. Have you tried a more muted color instead of red?
@Asyas_illos haha I know the feeling of starting another one and stressing yourself out a bit
I love to see your multiple entries!
@Kim-Rosenlof I was worried about that I’ll play with it a bit more. Thanks.
I toned down the red but just a tiny bit. Also added one more ballon so add to the chaos! Character design as well
Think I’m done with this one does anybody have any last minute feedback?kids got me sick so it might be slow going for my next one.
Decided to illustrate a page from my book for another entry
Gonna see if I can get one more done…
@Asyas_illos I think your images are definitely stronger when we can see the characters. I guess this is number 4? I am sticking with just the one entry even though I do have more ideas.
@PenAndrew thank you character design is my favorite I love drawing kids and people
@Asyas_illos Yes I am hoping that you will increase the size of the characters in the balloon, as I feel these are a bit lost.
I love costume design!
I’m wonder if my illustration is too dark? What do you guys think? I could add a lightening bolt and get some light in there that way or maybe a spell?
@Asyas_illos The evenness of value throughout does kind of muddle the image, particularly around the front figure’s face. I often find it helpful to switch to greyscale so it’s easier to see what needs value adjustments. A light source of some sort to highlight the focal points would probably help a lot!
Ok so here’s where I am at currently. I’m going to play around with lighting and see how it goes…
Think k I’m gonna call it with this light !