Hi, Yego! Nice concept! It’s very funny. However, there a few things I want to point out.
- The distance between the surfer and the shark. For me atleast, they look like they’re just swimming side by side because they are so close together with the surfer just ahead by a few feet. Coupled with the shark’s happy expression, the tension is lost. Now, I get that you need to make the shark smilling since this is for a teeth thing but that’s just it. The proximity of the shark to the surfer just makes things less tense. Try putting the surfer further from the shark with his feet mere inches from the shark’s mouth. That’ll ramp up the intensity.
- The surfer’s pale face. I get it that you’d be very scared if you have a shark chasing you but it just not work for the illustration. The surfer’s face just gets lost in all of that blue. It kinda blends in with the background.
I hope this helps!