Hi @LauraA,
Since my full-time career is non-art related, my few golden opportunity time blocks for ideas are during my commute to and from work.
No music.
No podcast (unless a new SVS episode just came out 😉)
As I sit in traffic, I create the stories in my head and watch them play out like a movie. I’ll freeze the frame and think about how the camera angle makes the story more interesting.
I’m like, hmm - That sounds interesting.
Then I say, ”Hey Siri, make a note!” Where I can literally just dump my ideas for later processing.
After about 5 stories or so, I then narrow them down based on input from my wife and daughter.
This all happens before I even put pencil on paper.
What I realize, is that by the time I’m finished with my sketch, it looks quite different than the story in my head. Perhaps it’s the character, props or backgrounds.
Then I use whatever free time I have available to draw, ink and color, while not neglecting my husbandly and fatherly duties.
One day, I hope to be able to illustrate exactly what I see in my mind. Until then, all I can do is put my best work forward given the time allotted.